Portfolio - Projects
COVID Series
On March 5th, 2020 I was sent home from the office where I worked for almost 5 years. I had no idea that in the coming weeks, I would lose my job and never set foot in that office again. Like most people on the planet, my world shrank. For the next 20 months I walked hundreds of laps around my neighborhood. The mundane took on an ominous tone and suddenly everything seemed lonely. The stillness and general quiet of those first few months was at times both comforting and claustrophobic.

At first it seemed like a joke: a bottle of Purell ended up on all our desks.

The office started to drip with a dark sarcasm.

HR sent all of us home around at lunch. We didn't understand what was happening. I packed up everything important from my desk just in case.

This station is one of the main hubs for downtown Seattle. It was almost empty with a cold wind blowing through the tunnels.

The swing set looked like a crime scene.

Every year this cherry tree is a glowing beacon amidst the Seward Park amphitheater.

The city of Seattle temporarily suspended a parking enforcement law that made it illegal to keep a vehicle parked in one place for more than 72 hours. Junked RV's started to proliferate.

Online purchases occasionally showed up on time.

It's the first Spring in the pandemic and the flowers don't care about your quarantine. Neither do the birds. I sat in my yard every day and listened to the birds. No leaf blower, car or airplane noise pollution.

But where are the kids?

People were barred from working even in outdoor construction. An abandoned house sits waiting to be demolished in favor of a multi-million dollar modern box.

I wandered countless laps of my neighborhood alleys looking for something new every day.

The alley behind my house became a haven.

What happened to the driver? So many questions.

6 months earlier, if we walked into a bank like this we would have been arrested.

Grassy median. Easter Island comes to Seattle.

Everyday is now Halloween.

Barbie is seen hanging around during quarantine.

These boots were made for quarantining.

Just Ben.

Saddest doll ever.

Where are the tools?

Spiders gotta eat.

My local gym remains open with a few safety improvements.